Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Remove Resonator

On Sunday, went for a gathering of my "car club" to see how they perform a certain operation on their cars. Removing the resonator.

Resonator is a "little" box in your car that keeps the air intake silent. You know how noisy air travels through a tube when being sucked in ? The resonator takes care of that. Of course, it reduces the amount of air-flow at the same time, thus making your car engine less responsive.

So they organized a meeting in a carpark and proceeded to teach and help one another on how to take it out.

My car is just beside the green car.

And of course, the resonator :

I might do it one day, but for now, I would like my car to be as quiet as possible. I prefer comfort to power.


Anonymous said...

If that thingamajig makes the air intake quieter, should it not be called an "air intake silencer" and not an "air intake resonator"?

Singapore Calamari said...

Beats me. I was just as puzzled when I heard the name for it....