Thursday, September 23, 2021

Change of Employment

 Again ? Haha.

This time, I am thinking of making a move. As I write this, I am waiting for formal contract to sign. 

First reason is probably fatigue at current place. Product is still good, but I think this is only a small factor. There are not much scope for movements - either vertical or lateral. I am not trying to be a manager either, so it is more the expansion of scope for me, which means I get to meet different people and travel more. Well, once this pandemic has fizzled that is.

Pay is only slightly higher than my current job, but has higher stable base wage. So a little more security, I think. And higher level of stock-grants, which has a higher potential returns. 

This whole thing came about out of the blue when a recruiter contacted me. Started exploring and felt the new company's trajectory and plans are pretty good. The company has the same CEO since being listed, and revenues and share price have been growing steadily. They are more engineering driven than marketing driven, which is to my liking. The interview process was quite lengthy and goes all the way up to senior management.

So I hope to get the formals signed before the end of this month and start the new job after my notice period. 

What an interesting way to end 2021, where the year would be remembered for the pandemic and gloom.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Self-exploration - re-reading my old posts

So now that I started to write again, I thought it is a good idea to read my old entries, just to see where I have been and how my throughts and writing style might have changed over the years. Afterall, we all change as we grow.

First thing I noted back in an article in 2004, is I have lived through dial-up Internet times. Yes. Wow. Especially when travelling around Asia.

Second thing is, a lot of my posts is about bitching at work. Politics, interesting events, etc. So yes, having a job is a major part of my life. I think it is true for most people. Perhaps that's why retiring for many people is not a simple affair.

Third thing is that I cannot remember many things. I remember some pieces of my childhood that are not significant in any way. As in, they are not terrible things or extremely happy moments. Just a random normal day. Haha. I also don't remember giving away my books to my friends before leaving Singapore, my first time using Australia's Medicare, and a few other things. 

Sometimes, it is usually these inconsequential things that we do, seems insignificant to us, but poeple who benefit from them would usually remember.

Tuesday, August 03, 2021

My Financial Position - Mid 2021

Mid-year is the End-of-Finacial-Year (EOFY) for Australia. While I was doing some housekeeping for my finance and tax stuff, here's what I found.

I sold off all direct holdings of US shares recently. So bye bye to Berkshire and McDonalds. One of the reasons I bought USA shares is because of a "dream" back in Uni. That some day in the future, I can find some time to travel around USA. So I started by investing in USA shares, then sell some to fund my holidays when the time comes.

However, over the years, this dream is no longer exciting for me. Part of it is probably due to the decline in the attractiveness of USA. I have been there a few times for work trips. I got a feel of it (though mainly in California and Vegas) and don't think I would enjoy USA very much. Also partly due to issues like social unrest, increased racism, gun violence, etc. 

I am sure there are many beautiful sights, but I am just as sure there are other countries just as beautiful, that I haven't been to. 

I could have held on to my shares. But the way taxation is structured, I am technically no longer permitted to have direct holdings via an American brokerage because I am not a resident. I have to hold shares via overseas brokerage. Which means more admin costs for me, since I don't trade that much in US.

My estimated ROI for my US shares over the years is  just above 8% p.a. That is an impressive number, but since US indices have grown about 6% for the last 20 years, and 10% for the last 30 years. I think my portfolio is just slightly above average for US shares.

So, can I retire now ? 

Barely, I guess. My annual income from my investments is barely enough to sustain my bills (I think) but not enough to enjoy much or travel. Basically if I retire now, I can't do much. So there is no point.

At what point would I consider retirement ? If my investment income can sustain some hobbies and activities, should I ? Should I retire early ?

There is a whole lot of non-financial considerations here. Psychological well-being is one of the major factor that I see many retirees having to deal with. The sense of purpose, the sense of self-worth, too much time on hands, etc. Many have gone back to part-time employment, drive taxis/uber, etc.

I guess I always have the option of taking up some projects that are still work related. Drive Uber when I feel like interacting with strangers. Who knows. I think there might be lots of opportunities there.

Things I am thinking of doing still, before I retire. 

Move to another house : It is easier to buy an electric vehicle when I have my own house. My current townhouse is a little limited for charging station. However, current property prices are a little too high for my comfort, I think. Should I get a house and spend another 10-15 years aiming for high wages, or cruise easily now and retire early within 10 years ?

Enough money to dabble in share speculation : This can be considered my hobby then. Something to do when I have no job and plenty of time. Afterall, in the last 18 months of COVID and lockdowns, I think I have watched enough movies and TV shows. I might have completed half the movies in the world. Haha. I kid of course.

Thursday, July 01, 2021

Exciting Employment Times

So I started a draft of this blog back in 2016. Now that I am back, it would go something like this :

Mid 2014 - I joined a listed US company.

Mid 2016 - My company is acquired.

Late 2017 - My company is acquired again.

End 2017 - My company is acquired again.

Early 2019 - My company is acquired... again. *sigh*

What an interesting journey. Haha. 4 acquisitions in 4 years.

Oh well, good thing is, I received a lump sum due to early grant of stock options. Now everything looks stable and hopefully no more acquisitions or spin-offs. Welcome to the life in the fast lane.

How does that impact me, you might ask. 

So throughout the journey, I have gone through excitement, worry, dread, resistance, acceptance and now a little bored and hoping to find a new or exciting opportunity.

Initally excited as this is my first taste of being acquired. Going though all the process, the management talks that it will lead to wider opportunities for the company. Meeting new colleagues, etc.

Then the reality that after every acquisition, there is always redundancies. Wasn't too bad at first because my position is strong, internally. 

As a few more acquisitions flow through, it becomes a revolving door. Not that I don't like the changes, but it is coming before we settle down. And I am sure it has impacted some of my customers' perception and apprehension.

Then as more red-tapes creep in, adjusting to new processes, restrictions, corporate policies, it becomes a little frustrating. 

"I have been doing things this way all the time and it fits us well. Why change ?"
"We have more autonomy before." etc. You get the idea.

Finally, it is now about 2 years after the final acquisition, and a few reshuffling that doesn't affect me much, I am comfortable yet restless. Things are becoming boring. I am no longer enjoying my work as much. COVID and lockdowns are not helping. 

Oh well, I think this sums up this stretch of my life. I think I am coming back here more often, as I go through mid-life crisis and trying to adapt. I think I have more topics and subjects that I think I can share my opinion on. (read : I am now an older guy stubborn guy)

Let's see how it goes this time.