Friday, December 24, 2004

Some hidden part of me has grown bigger .. Guess which part ?

Haha.. Got your attention now ?

Recently, I have realised that I am becoming impatient with others, and that I do not "respect" that many people's opinion anymore.

In the past, I used to hang on to every word that anyone care to enlighten me. Be it sharing their views on meaning of life, their views on politics, their quests for success, their opinion of renowned figures.

I used to think "Wow. They have opinions. I can't even write a simple GP essay on this topic."

Yes, when I was young, I have a huge inferiority complex. Maybe it is due to lack of size in certain part of me. I used to think I am useless and everyone else is so much better than me in everything.

Until recently....

Sitting down, eating a tub if ice-cream as I am writing this, I am thinking that I do not care about people's opinion as much anymore. I am even more vocal to my manager, whom I think the world of 5 years ago. I dare to contradict him.

Even to other friends and colleagues around me. I am more honest, not worrying so much about trying to please everyone. Say what I think, and even if someone contracts my opinion, I do not feel that I am wrong and he/she is right.

So, either I have amassed a certain amount of knowledge now and my self-esteem has just caught up, or a part me has just grown bigger and made me an unabashed.

I still have not decided which. Need more time to re-examine myself. It could also be that I am just going through the tired phase of learning so many things, that I just want a mental break.

Oh, and that part of me that has grown - my Ego. What were you thinking ?

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