Tuesday, March 01, 2005

I wish I could write like that

I guess I am not an extremely intellectual writer. Yeah yeah, I know I am not an intellectual person. So that explains it huh.

2 Issues I came across the last weekend. Both touches 2 aspects our society :

(1) Singapore Towards an open and inclusive society ?

I liked the way the author shines his bright torch using the Formula 17 movie ban. Also his precision knife cutting open the inconsistency and double-standard of our censorship board with regards to the Manazine ban.

(2) Singapore's Chinese Buddist - Every which way you look, it's a relic

Now that I've told you that, you can see how the Shanghai WFC has both a Chinese spirit and a majesty of immense power. It is also strikingly handsome. It testifies to the cultural confidence and historical depth of China that they build such buildings today.

But let me tell you, the architectural firm that conceptualised it was Kohn Pedersen Fox Associates, headquartered in New York City, a fact which seriously undercuts the common but parochial belief that only Chinese can understand Chineseness. We can all cross cultural and aesthetic boundaries when we apply our minds and sensibilities to it. Add imagination, and a stunningly beautiful icon of both the age and the land is created.

I must do lots of deep thinking, keen observation, and learn to be more articulate...

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