Monday, March 14, 2005

Gays and Their AIDS.

Dr Balaji is right. Spike in the MOH HIV/AIDS statistics shows that HIV/AIDS cases due to homosexuality has increase in porportion. Now, they stand at 22%.

Although he said one third. I suspect he included those "bisexuals" into "homosexuals" category. Those bisexuals must have gotten HIV/AIDS from their gay partners. Very sure of it. Chances of getting it from girls are very low.

But I disagree with one thing he said. We should NOT stop the gay parties. Instead, we should :

(1) Openly accept gays into our society. This is very important. Welcome them with open arms.
(2) Not to force gays to change. Not to force them to get married to escape pressure/stigma.
(3) ENCOURAGE more gay sex.
(4) DISCOURAGE the use of condoms. Have more unprotected sex.
(5) Let HIV/AIDS prevail in the gay community.
(6) Do not treat them. Let them die of AIDS.

That way, we will rid Singapore of gays ! Hooray ! I found the solution to keep Singapore a moralistic holy ground. We will not only be Tourist hub, Biomedical Hub, Arts Hub, we will also be the world's first Morally-Upright Hub.


My friends and I have discovered this new Hypothesis :

(1) We have new generation Ministers who has profound insights to many Singapore issues :

"If you want to dance on a bar top, some of us will fall off that bar top. Some people will die as a result of liberalising bar-top dancing. Not just because they've fallen off the bar top, but because it's usually a young girl with a short skirt who's dancing on it, who may attract some insults from some other men. The boyfriend starts fighting. Some people will die. Blood will be shed for liberalising the policy."
- Dr Vivian Balakrishnan, Chairman of Remaking S'pore Commitee, Straits Times Oct 3


Meanwhile, Dr Balaji revealed that of last year's newly-diagnosed patients, 90 per cent were males with one-third being gays.

He said that the MOH was not aware of the reasons for the sharp increase of HIV in the gay community but an epidemiologist had suggested that it may be linked to an annual, predominantly gay party in Sentosa which allowed gays from high prevalence countries to "fraternise with local gay men, seeding infection in the local community."

He noted, however, that this was a hypothesis and more research needed to be done.

- Today Online, Thursday, March 10, 2005

(2) These are 2 medical doctors

(3) Their names start with "Bala"

So the hypothesis is that medical doctors with names "Bala"-something and are Ministers in Singapore will, sooner or later in their political career, make profound comments that inspire members of the public.

And so far, our hypothesis is 100% accurate. But it still requires more research..


Shared my hypothesis with a forum and someone suggested :

Maybe B.A.L.A. stands for "Best At Ludicrous Assumptions..." Scholar

Thanks Dtvox !

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