Monday, January 15, 2007

The PicooZ Bandwagon

Finally got my PiccoZ few days ago.

My PicooZ

Its small, its fun. Definitely more fun than my previous helicopter (which crashed and burnt... the rear rotor.) And more robust too... At least it is light enough that crashing to the ground doesn't break anything... so far *fingers crossed*

And definitely easier to play with than my cheap RC plane - which can't be played indoors. And I can't find a huge field without wind.


Eden said...

saw someone played at my office area before, the patch of land next to Mac at Bras Basah =)

Hey, let's organise a picnic cum kite flying (if wind blows)at my place? lots of field here. Then can see you show off your new toy lah =)

Singapore Calamari said...

This one cannot play with wind !!! Sure fly until dunno where.. When playing at home, must off all the fan some more..

Eden said...

Wah, so sensitive to wind ah.
Hmm .. may i suggest renting an indoor badminton court and play in it =P hee hee