Monday, October 03, 2005

I am Back !

I am back !
Flight back from Medan to Jakarta and back to Singapore was uneventful.

Well, I guess it made the news already, that :

(1) The Fuel hike is a whopping 126% - sparking demonstrations and protests all over Indonesia

(2) Bali was bombed again.


Over the weekend, went out to JB overnight.

It was pretty enjoyable - shopping (like typical Singaporeans in Giant... buy tons of toilet rolls and toiletries) and getting drunk (well, almost).

Only thing that wasn't too enjoyable was the quality of the not-too-expensive hotel and the cold swimming pool, and a short period of bad weather. And, of course, getting occasionally lost and losing to some locals cutting queues in traffic.

Quick Triva :

What is worse that seeing local Malaysian drivers driving recklessly around Singapore vehicles ?

Ans : Facing the kiam-pah faces of some Singaporean drivers with their driving attitudes on the causeway driving back to Singapore.

I guess after all the bitching and complaining about Malaysian drivers treating Singapore cars with the "lets bully the stranger" attitude, meeting ungraceful Singaporean drivers are 10x worse off.


Anonymous said...

Glad you are safe and sound.

Anonymous said...

Glad you are safe and sound.