Monday, December 31, 2007

A Receipient of Malaysia Healthcare

Went to Malaysia to visit a family friend yesterday. He is a middle class man of about 77 years of age. Children grow up, running businesses and some working in Singapore. Living in a 2-level house built on a land that they own, in a middle class section of some parts of Johor.

Went up to visit him cos my father heard that he was involved in a motorcycle accident a while back..

I shall skip the details and come to the crux of this post. Basically fell off his bike and landed in a deep drain. Sent to a govt hospital.

Hospitalized for 3 days. In that 3 days, he had x-ray or MRI (he don't know what it was but he had to lie down for like half an hour for them to "scan" his head injuries) and then sat down and took what was most likely an x-ray for his kneecap.

Total bill for the entire episode - RM$15.

They took deposit of RM$30 at the beginning and when he was discharged, refunded RM$15.

We even asked again - EVERYTHING ? Including all the x-rays and stuff ? He said yes.
I am assuming all the medication, glucosamine, etc that he has to take AFTER being discharged as a separate payment. Even then, it is pretty surprising.


Eden said...

Not surprising, at least their government is subsidising their people well, unlike ours =(
My uncle's wife gave birth to their 1st child at a government hospital in Malaysia, unfortunately got some complications where the kid has to go into ICU, under oxygen tank, etc, etc ... in the end, they only pay RM$500 for everything !!! unbelievable already ... but your RM15 is even unbelievable if your relative did a MRI! That usually cost thousands if not subsidised!

CK said...

Your relative would have done a CT brain scan to see if there are any bleeding in the head. That would be the usual doctor's orders after a fall.

RM$15 is freaking cheap. Malaysia truly boleh.

By the way calamari, which city are you going to? I'm heading to Melbourne myself somewhere near the end of the year.

Anonymous said...

MRI is a fucking expensive procedure un Singapore!