Thursday, November 02, 2006

I had acute gastritis in Taiwan

Woke up this morning feeling ok. After breakfast in hotel, needed to go toilet.

At first, it was like the usual food-related problem. But after about 2 hours and 2 bowel evacuations later, I developed some strange pain in my abdomen, just below the ribs.

It comes in 3 or 4 cramps every 5 or 10 minutes, punctuated with a few more emergency bowel evacuations.

Tried to rest and sleep, but woken up every time the pain comes back. It felt like there was a pulling cramp right behind my stomach/gastric area, not the intestines. Every pain was sharp and pulled me into a curl on bed.

Hotel staff told me doctors do no come on house calls and sent someone to escort me to the nearest hospital.

There I had a shot, and 2 x-rays - one of my chest and one of my intestines.
Doctor suspected either Gastric ulcers or Acute Gastritis. Turns out, no ulcers.

Feeling better now, and I am flying back tomorrow afternoon...

1 comment:

Eden said...

Hey, how r u feeling now?

remember long time ago, we used to say yr stomach is 'spoilt' liao? coz u wld just eat anything & everything !?!? oh oh ... now really got problem liao o_O

Do rest well b4 u go back to work. Acute gastritis no play play wor. keep yourself stress free these days too else may trigger it.

take care meanwhile .. will chk on u again =P