Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Disgusting Anti-Smoking Ad

Recently, there has been a spate of complaints to the authorities about the airing of anti-smoking advertisement on the TV recently. Most of them fall into the following :

(a) Its scary for youngsters and children - nightmares and stuff that parents need to deal with.
(b) Supposed to target smokers , so scaring the general public is not really effective. Those disgusting pictures on cigarette packets are good enough.
(c) After a while, people will be desensitized and the shock factor will no longer be effective.

I have just seen the ad on TV, and I think it is scary. I have seen the pictures on the cigarette packets. They definitely do not produce the same emotions as a video.

And here is why I think it SHOULD be aired to the general public :

(1) It reminds children of the nightmares, so that when they grow up they will not smoke. And if they still smoke, then it means the "scare" didn't register in their mind, then what is the worry of scarring them for life with this scary ad ?

(2) Parents are used to using scare tactics, so what's wrong ? It gives parents a chance to tell them facts, rather than using "If you are not good, the Police will catch you" kind of mental-threat-masquerading-as-discipline messages.

(3) The purpose of these ads is not just targeted at smokers, but for non-smokers but MIGHT be smokers in future. So what is wrong with telling EVERYONE the scary thing about smoking ?

(4) Yeah, I agree that people will be desensitized after a while and the effectiveness will drop. But so what ? I am desensitized to drink driving ads - They are silly, corny and ineffective to me. Why not stop them ?

I think there are kids who are scared of old people who look so frail and ghostly... or those amputees without arms or legs... should their parents protect their kids and not "scare" them ? These are facts of life, I think it should be taught to kids...

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