Monday, July 24, 2006


A few close friends and myself have been camping at Changi Airport days and nights since Friday evening, desperately trying to get onto flights into Perth that were, since weeks ago, been fully booked.

And as we sit through our stand-by lists at the ticket counter flight after flight, it became more apparent that all flights into Australia were way overbooked. (In airline terms, overbooked = more people holding confirmed tickets than actual seats.)

For 3 times a day since Friday mid-night, we have been telling staff after staff, officer after officer, about us trying to get onto flights into Perth, to see KOP for the last time.

For the last 7 flights, we have not had any success, and everytime it seems the list is growing longer.

2 more flights to go in order to make it in time to his funeral. We are hoping to get at least some of us there.

It seems to be the best that we can do at such times, after exhausting all direct and indirect flights/trains/cars/helicopter/hot-air ballon routes. It is extremely tiring for us as we are no longer teenagers staying overnight at airport for fun. But we just have to it for KOP.

I am afraid I will not be at liberty to reveal too much personal information about him, as he has always wanted to keep his privacy and identity closely guarded, especially online.

For those who had personal contacts with him via the blogosphere, you will be one of the very rare few people he felt comfortable to meet up with, or to open up to.

I have to respect his wishes, and I have no choice but to remove ange bern's comment on my previous blog about when the service in Singapore will be.

No doubt, relatives and friends would already have been informed. I hope everyone else will respect KOP's wish to keep his cyber and real lives apart and clearly delineated, whatever you put about him on your blogs.

I would probably not know much about the details of his passing, except after meeting up with D and making sure she is alright. Talking to her about such things over the phone at this time seems very inappropriate.

In the mean time, all of you can keep him in your heart and remember him in your own ways. I am sure KOP will know about it, wherever he is.

KOP will always be remembered.


Unknown said...

yes i understand perfectly. similarly i too have removed the details from mine.

Anonymous said...

good luck to you. today is the first day of uni and quite a no. of my friends are coming back today.

i'm sure kop would be touched by the actions that you and your friends are doing for him. :)


Simply Me said...

I really hope you can get on a flight. I am sure your presence will be a tremendous comfort and support for D. Good luck!

I am sure you are feeling really tired and awful too. Just want to say that your efforts to keep us updated on blogsphere despite your own grief and shock is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

I hope you take care too. I hope you and D can seek comfort together. Remember him together, think of the good times, think of his good and live a better life.

Someone once told me at a funeral that " The best thing we can do for those who left us is to treasure ourselves and live a good life".

Amazonian said...

Hi, just wanna say that you, D and KoP are on my mind.

Justikanz said...

Sotong, you take care, ok? Let me know if you need someone to talk to, ya?

Anonymous said...

Hi I don't know Singaporeserf personally except for his blog. It's a sad day and my condolences to his family. . . :/