Friday, July 08, 2005

Pissed Off.. Major...

I don't like to bitch about traffic, as I try very hard to be nice and non-chalent and drive defensively and make my day a good one.

2 very recent incidents just pissed me off :

(1) Monday morning. I got in my car, started the engine, and waited a while (take my sunglasses, turned on the air-con, put on seat belt) for the engine to warm up a little.

I looked left, then right. The carpark exit is on my left. On my right, not many vehicles left, and it is one straight road for about another 30 meters before it bends to another block. No vehicles moving, no one in the next few cars beside me. (There were less than 10, I think, parked to my right.)

I looked left, made sure no one coming at me from the exit/entrance. I eased off the brakes, turned to the left. Car inched forward a little. Then it came from my right : Boooooorrrrrrrrp. And stopped right in front of me.

Of course I stopped and immediately waved "sorry" and smiled a bit.

White Nissan Sunny, driven by a bitchy lady, with her daughter (I assume), both looking at me. Daughter was less than 6 years old, no seat belt, no child-seat and face at the window.

I expected the bitch to move off, but NOOOooooooo... She stared/glared at me for 10 seconds. 10 whole seconds !

Yeah, my fault I didn't double check my right again. (Still very used to the look Left-Right-Left then move off. Furthermore, I was moving towards my left.)

Yeah, my fault that she must have driven like 60km/h in a car-park and came right into me.

My foot didn't even touch the accelerator yet.

I have came across situations like this, with me on the opposite side of course. I just honk a warning and once the other vehicle stopped, I moved off. Lets just get on with our lives.

So what did the bitch want ? Me to go and kow-tow to her ?

(2) This evening heading for dinner. Was driving slowly into a carpark. Tight corners and small lanes.

Open-air carpark , with multiple blocks of lots behind different blocks of flats.
Turned in, trying to look for a lot in front of me, slowed down a bit as I didn't want to reverse out if there is no lots in front. No lots, I should turn to my right. I signalled right.

Just as I hit my signal, the car behind honked. I never stopped my car at any time. I turned. He followed closely behind.

I passed one lot, shit. Ok, just passed another lot, so I wanted to reverse into the lot. Moved ahead of the lot and stopped. Looked at my mirror and this guy was right at my tail. Damn.
And he honked. Longer. And passed me on my right. Glared at me. I glared back.

What the heck ? I can't park ? You can't wait 5 seconds for me to park ? Was my turning right just now too slow for you ? Rushing to attend your own funeral at the void deck is it ?

All these drivers driving so fast in carparks. Bloody dangerous. When I got down, I was very very tempted to bash his head in, and smash his face into a pulp.

My 2 minutes walk to the food centre, I acutally visualized myself having a verbal-then-turned-violent-till-he-ended-up-dead-with-my-steering-wheel-lock-lodged-in-his-skull scenario. My heart rate went up, I was breathing quick. short, sharp breaths. Signs of adrenaline.

Now I know where road rage came from.

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