Thursday, May 05, 2005

My Forgotten Childhood

Just now, after work, I went to pick up my parents to run some errands. At the end of it all, we went to visit my old nanny. The person who baby-sits me when I was very very young (I think less than 5 years old).

I couldn't even remember her at all. My earliest childhood that I could remember were here in My Childhood Part 1.

We reached her place at about 9pm. The place was dark. We knocked and called out. We guessed she was out. But we tried to call her house phone instead, as there were no door bells.

She woke up from her slumber. Despite being old (about the age of 85) she stills walks well, and can recognize my father. Of course, I needed to be introduced to her. She can remember me.

For 30 minutes, we listened and talked to her. She recounted mostly how naughty I was. She spoke in Hokkien (though with another accent that sounded a bit like Teo-Chew) and I could more or less understand what she was saying.

That I liked to climb up and down everywhere and made her panic many times, afraid that I will fall and meet my doom.

That I once hid behind the toilet door (remember old days, in those 3-room flats, where toilet doors were folded from zinc sheets) and stayed very quiet for hours, while she panic and called for my grandmother to help look for me all over the house.

That I once pee on the other kids who actually made me "piss off". I stood on the table, took out my "water-pistol" and urinated on the kids all around me.

That everytime when my parents bring me into her house for her to baby-sit me, I will automatically stretch out my legs so that she could leash my leg to her sofa.

Somehow, I was given the impression that I was a monster when I was a child, that almost everyone had to leash me up or face heart attack from fear or anger.

Oh well, for someone so naughty, I am really glad I do not have kids, nor intend to. If my kids turn out like me, everyone will agree that it will be retribution to the fullest. Alas, no such luck to all of you ! Neeeh ! :P

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