Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I Failed !!!!!

Am now in reservist, which started yesterday and will last till mid of next week.

Getting by without air-con is a bitch, I can tell you that. And our bunks are on the top floor - Level 4. Imagine walking those stairs up and down no less than 10 times per day. By the end of the first day, I already can feel my leg muscles screaming.

This morning, I just took my IPPT. I failed my 2.4km run, by a whopping 30 seconds ! (Damn !)

Bought a new pair of Gore-Tex boots. They are very comfortable compared to the regular leather boots. And it looks good enough to wear for hiking or any other outdoor trip.

Hmm... considering that I am already bitching about the 4-storey building, I don't think I will be mountain-climbing anytime soon..

And when my friend saw me carrying my "robinson-sale" purchases back to the room, he said "Oh, you bought the Gore-Tex...". And my reply was "Yeah, having mensus.."

1 comment:

Eden said...

U & that mind of yours ah !! =P