Thursday, July 01, 2021

Exciting Employment Times

So I started a draft of this blog back in 2016. Now that I am back, it would go something like this :

Mid 2014 - I joined a listed US company.

Mid 2016 - My company is acquired.

Late 2017 - My company is acquired again.

End 2017 - My company is acquired again.

Early 2019 - My company is acquired... again. *sigh*

What an interesting journey. Haha. 4 acquisitions in 4 years.

Oh well, good thing is, I received a lump sum due to early grant of stock options. Now everything looks stable and hopefully no more acquisitions or spin-offs. Welcome to the life in the fast lane.

How does that impact me, you might ask. 

So throughout the journey, I have gone through excitement, worry, dread, resistance, acceptance and now a little bored and hoping to find a new or exciting opportunity.

Initally excited as this is my first taste of being acquired. Going though all the process, the management talks that it will lead to wider opportunities for the company. Meeting new colleagues, etc.

Then the reality that after every acquisition, there is always redundancies. Wasn't too bad at first because my position is strong, internally. 

As a few more acquisitions flow through, it becomes a revolving door. Not that I don't like the changes, but it is coming before we settle down. And I am sure it has impacted some of my customers' perception and apprehension.

Then as more red-tapes creep in, adjusting to new processes, restrictions, corporate policies, it becomes a little frustrating. 

"I have been doing things this way all the time and it fits us well. Why change ?"
"We have more autonomy before." etc. You get the idea.

Finally, it is now about 2 years after the final acquisition, and a few reshuffling that doesn't affect me much, I am comfortable yet restless. Things are becoming boring. I am no longer enjoying my work as much. COVID and lockdowns are not helping. 

Oh well, I think this sums up this stretch of my life. I think I am coming back here more often, as I go through mid-life crisis and trying to adapt. I think I have more topics and subjects that I think I can share my opinion on. (read : I am now an older guy stubborn guy)

Let's see how it goes this time.